Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Essay Topics of Ancient Mesopotamia

Essay Topics of Ancient MesopotamiaThe ancient Mesopotamian civilization, built their civilization on several religions. There were four main religions: the Dogon, Apsu, Chaldean and Sumerian. However, all of these four had three core values that stood above all others. These were: Law, Justice and Creation.The Dogon were a group of people who lived in North Africa and developed their own religion. They were nomadic hunters. The Dogon believe that the sun god set the animals on fire and this is why we see the car and cattle animals today. This god was also known as Imhotep. The Dogon believe that they live with other people, animals and spirits. The Dogon believe that everyone was born under this God's sky and everyone knew how to find the sacred grounds.The Apsu was a group of people in Mesopotamia. They used to be slave to the Sumerians. The Apsu used to be known as the ones who carved the human bones and the Sumerians used to make weapons from human bone. However, due to the conti nuous wars between the Sumerians and the Apsu, the Apsu had no choice but to abandon the idea of using human bones to make weapons. So the Apsu adopted the Mesopotamian religion and became known as the ones who created the earth.The Chaldean were the people who lived in Mesopotamia. They were farmers and used to live in one village. They believed that there was a powerful God who created this world. It was said that they considered the Sun God as their ancestor.The Sumerians were the ones who worshiped the gods. They believed that the world was made up of four gods, namely, Enlil, Ea, Enki and Ninlil. They also believed that there were many other gods. The Sumerians believed that the god Ninlil, who was called the Good God, created the world. Ninlil also prayed to the God to protect him and his wife, his son, the world, the animals and humans.The Sumerians, the Sumerians and the Chaldeans are all members of a particular essay topics. They all believed in the same Gods. They also bel ieved that there were many other Gods that helped them in their different tasks. Each one of these essay topics believed in one particular God. The Egyptians believed in the Sun God.The Egyptians did not have much belief in the heavens. Instead, they believed in the different kind of deities that helped them in different stages of their lives. The Romans were one of the first civilizations to use the sun as the main god of their religion. The Romans also worshiped the goddess Juno and the god Mars.These essay topics belonged to one of the essay topics that was prevalent in ancient civilizations. They all believed in different Gods and their God made the world as it is today. Nowadays, there are lots of topics that you can choose from if you want to learn about some of the essays that existed before it.

Counselling Case Study Essay Example

Counselling Case Study Essay Let me present Bandara. Bandara has been working as the figure two in a medium sized organisation for 10 old ages. It has ever been intimated that when Jeremy his foreman retires or leaves. Bandara will steal into the figure one place and take the organisation. Barry has ever had some clear thoughts on how he is traveling to take the organisation frontward when Jeremy is non at that place ; thoughts that have non been taken up in the yesteryear. Life being perverse. it had been decided to publicize the occupation externally and think what? A better campaigner came up who has now been in station for three hebdomads. Bandera’s new foreman is a great cat. really friendly and supportive. . . but. he is non Barry. Barry has been to a counselor for few Sessionss. Today is a new session. Counselor: Well Bandara. your new adult male is now steadfastly in place. so how does that go forth you? Bandara: Adrift. de-energized. de-motivated. thwarted. un-trusted. rejected. passed over. Department of energies that amount it up? We will write a custom essay sample on Counselling Case Study specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Counselling Case Study specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Counselling Case Study specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Well what an spring of emotion. This cat is in existent problem. Counselor: Can I add another one – rejected? Bandara: Of class that says it all. But I am clearly non as good at this occupation as I thought I was and that makes me experience insecure and uncomfortable. They have chosen this new cat over me – after all I have done here it does non look just. In fact. life does non experience just at all. How is this for a good guidance challenge? Which one of those cardinal words above should our counselor choice on first? Which of these is acquiring to Bandara most? What. if our counselor mines profoundly plenty will assist Bandara choice himself up and get down recovering his customary enthusiasm? Counsellor must non be judgmental here. so he will inquire Bandara. Counselor: Bandara. you have used a batch of what could be described as emotional words here. can you pick out one that truly stands out? If you look inside yourself. what experiencing are you seeing. feeling or hearing? Bandara: Phew that is non easy. My head is traveling unit of ammunition and unit of ammunition with all these feelings. What did I do incorrect. I ask myself invariably? Counselor: So what did you make wrong? Bandara: I took it for granted that I would acquire the occupation ; that I was the best adult male for it ; that I knew so much about the organisation that I was indispensable ; that I had such great thoughts that I was the obvious individual for the occupation. Counselor: Bandara. did anybody else in the organisation cognize anything about these thoughts of yours? Have you discussed them in the yesteryear? Bandara: Well. no. They were ever at odds with the cardinal way that we were traveling so did non raise them. Counselor: Despite the fact that you had non discussed this openly. make you non believe that over a period of 10 old ages. person would hold got an intimation of your positions? The counselor is delving and delving here. non allowing travel and is on the point of acquiring Barry to understand for himself some of the grounds why he may non hold been picked for the occupation. Bandara: Ummm. neer thought like that. I a amusing kind of manner. believing about it now. I have ever been at odds with the civilization here. despite that fact that I have been praised and rewarded for my attempts many times. Thinking about it that there has ever been struggle in my sub-conscious and I had non realized it until now. The inquiry is. . . what. . . how. . . good. oh beloved I have got some really hard deciding to make. Counsellor – let the silence do the heavy lifting once more. Bandara: It makes sense that person here would hold had inkling about my ideas – ten old ages is long plenty for people to make that. Oh beloved. I may hold shot myself in the pes here and been my ain worst enemy. Wow. what a atrocious realisation. The counselor has done a great occupation here. A few inquiries have got Barry to look at and inside himself and he has come up with his ain ego diagnosing. Bandara has besides moved from his old brain into the analytical portion of his encephalon therefore taking the emotion for him. The manager quandary here is that holding enabled Bandara to take himself apart metaphorically. it is necessary to let him to acquire himself back together before the terminal of the session. Counselor: Bandara. if I were in your place. what would you rede me to make? Well done once more counselor. Geting an nonsubjective position on this. Bandara: Well that is simple. Think through the thoughts you have ever had. polish them and acquire them out of your caput and onto paper ( or a Word papers ) . Not excessively long. Make non pass excessively much clip on it and maintain it really brief – an overview. Arrange to see the new figure one. sooner off site at a impersonal locale. and state him that you have ever had these thoughts but neer shared so and you would now wish to portion them and if anything was that good. possibly the organisation can follow them. You will either acquire an credence. in which instance you will accomplish what you have ever wanted or you will hold a argument as to what can or can non be adopted and you will hold at least cleared the air for yourself. Counselor: So Bandara what are you traveling to make? Bandara: Crafty – you have got me to decide my ain quandary. Clearly. I shall take my ain advice and make merely what I have recommended. Thankss sir. I have gone from tragic to magic as Walt Disney would state and it’s all down to you. Thankss. Not cunning. merely a great guidance session. The counselor was faced with what appeared to be a slightly intractable job which was solved by some first-class inquiries and techniques. Would you hold handled this in the same manner. or is there a better manner? Instruction manuals to pupils 1 Read the instance separately at least twice 2 Try to reply the undermentioned inquiries a ) What is Reding? B ) What are the accomplishments required for a counselor degree Celsius ) What are the phases of a Counselling Session? vitamin D ) What are the differences between directing guidance and non directive Guidance vitamin E ) What are the lessons from this instance for a new counselor? 3 Discuss your findings with the bomber group members. Be prepared to do an unwritten presentation on your findings 4 Write the assignment and submit same before the due day of the month. It is advisable to attach a transcript of this papers to your assignment

Monday, April 13, 2020

Research Paper Topics on Art Therapy

Research Paper Topics on Art TherapyWhen starting a career in the field of art therapy, you'll be writing research papers on art therapy and various art therapy issues. This is a good beginning point for those interested in this area, but there are many other topics you may want to investigate. Below is a quick introduction to the most important topics on the horizon for professionals in this field.Homeopathy and alternative medicine have been around for a long time but are now becoming more accepted. In recent years, some institutions in North America and Europe have allowed homeopathy to be taught as an approved treatment. Many people use homeopathy because it helps them to treat their problems in a more natural way, without the side effects and life-long dangers of traditional medicine. It is a very appealing idea that often goes unchallenged, even by professionals in the field.Children are very good at telling stories, and one of the things they love about art therapy is helping children to tell the stories they love. Research paper topics on art therapy can cover such areas as pre-school programs and art therapy, teaching children to use stories as tools to help them deal with social problems, and child-centric art therapy. There are many things that we do to help children who live in poverty, such as art therapy, but many people in the field do not always recognize the importance of supporting these programs and helping children.Research paper topics on art therapy and religion are both topics that people have tackled before but have never really gotten attention from professionals in the field. It's something that a lot of people haven't given much thought to, and it's a bit of a taboo subject for most people to talk about. If you're interested in being a researcher on this topic, you might want to try looking for researchers in your area who are involved in religion and homeopathy.Psychology is very similar to art therapy in that most people don't give it a second thought. In the field of psychology, however, there is a lot of work that is done in conjunction with therapists and counselors to help people cope with and adjust to stressful situations. Since so many people want to help the sick and the suffering, this type of work is constantly understaffed. Research paper topics on psychology and counseling are a good place to start if you're interested in assisting people suffering from anxiety and depression.Research paper topics on art therapy and neurotherapy are two different areas of study. Neurotherapy is all about treating the brain and is designed to help people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury or neurological disease such as Alzheimer's. It is also often used to help children who suffer from physical disabilities.You should also look for research paper topics on artwork and medicine, especially if you are interested in working with children with neurological and physical disorders. Both children and adults have a profound and undeniable connection to art, so it is no surprise that art therapy is growing in popularity. There are many factors that contribute to this, such as the rise of the art market and globalization, but it is an undeniable fact that the appeal of art has grown exponentially, as people all over the world become more interested in the aesthetic experience.When researching research paper topics on art therapy, you will find that there are several general topics that you can choose from. However, it is recommended that you learn as much as you can about the subject matter so that you can provide assistance to the next person who wants to become a professional in this field. Once you have gained a basic understanding of the topic, you can apply to the courses and positions you are interested in, and help others achieve success through research paper topics on art therapy.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Essay Topics - Writing Effective College Essay

Essay Topics - Writing Effective College EssayA college essay should be well-written and well-documented. Nowadays, there are essay writing software available in the market that can help you make your essay even better and more detailed. Here are some of the best essay topics for your college application.History of Art and Public Art The importance of art and its place in our culture is an increasingly important topic in history and art. What distinguishes one piece of art from another? Why is art so widely seen and appreciated? These are all issues that any student should be prepared to discuss with the professor.Dating Issues It is becoming a part of our college course and students must feel confident enough to discuss these topics as well. What makes the dating process more difficult than the others? Is it what makes it more difficult or is it that people are afraid of being discovered? Whatever it is, students must be taught how to talk about the issue and help their fellow stude nts understand and analyze their situation.Science Fiction Even if you are not a science fiction fan, it does not mean that you cannot use the topic in your college essay. You can take a creative approach and write a detailed essay on how science fiction makes us dream. Or you can even use it as a testing ground for your own ideas. Scientists may not like it when you do that but that is your right. Of course, your professor will put a stop to it if he finds it too pretentious.Religion is an integral part of life. Today, more people are following religion than ever before. In today's society, people are going to the mosque or church to pray. But even if people are going to the church, a good teacher can make it more interesting to write about religion and its relation to modern society.Art & Education The teacher will not like this topic at all but a student must make it interesting to him or her. What does art mean to a student who is studying for a degree in art? How do they re late to the artworks of other cultures? The art form and its development have influenced the world's cultures in many ways. Students must look into this and write their own story.Writing a decent essay for your college application is very important. Any piece of work that you do will get you success. If you get accepted into the university or college, it will give you a good entry into the job market.